Sarah Gill

Sarah Frances Gill’s practice of embroidering on paper, fabrics and lace uses improvisational, painterly techniques to explore the richness of color, texture and depth of field made possible through a simple, repetitive stitch. The fabric and lace substrates act as scaffolding or armature for the stitch work, while influencing underlying texture, patterns and form. The work celebrates feminine handicrafts with a joyful, frenzied exuberance. Often created for someone specific, these pieces are a rumination on that person, their presence and character expressed through color, texture and pattern.

Gill began experimenting with color through embroidery while living and working in India. The work provided a sense of calm and control within the intense environment of New Delhi and reflected the vibrancy and saturated colors of the people and place. The embroidery work continues to be influenced by the places she has lived, their landscapes and traditional crafts, including Victorian lace work, quilting, and the handicrafts of the American South.

Sarah is an architect and fine artist and has a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Texas at Austin and a Masters of Architecture from Yale University.  She lives and works in Dallas, TX.